Jul 26Liked by Carrie Kaufman

I’m a Biden fan. I was sad to see him go!!

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Me too!

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This whole thing is terrifying. What I’ve been thinking about recently is how they’re already implementing a lot of this with a democratic president. How much of this will they still be able to get done when Kamala wins? How many years is it going to take to turn all of this around?

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How is Biden implementing this?

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Jul 26Liked by Carrie Kaufman

He’s not. Not at all and yet MAGA is still able to destroy our democracy because of the states and the courts. It’s a scary time? I’m on their target list in a few ways so I’m just worried how far they’re going to be able to keep going.

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Yeah, I too am lamenting that so many people didn't or couldn't see the longterm consequences of our presidential choices. Not just in electing Trump - so many Dems spent more time crucifying Clinton than even educating themselves on who Trump was - but in electing Bush. The conservative movement has played a long game. And only now, as we're on the brink, are people starting to pay attention or understand. Biden said he was going to work on Supreme Court reform. If we can elect a Democratic Senate and House, we can push reform through and make abortion legal. But I am afraid there are still Dems out there who can't or refuse to even understand that. Instant gratification and purity will not get us where we need to be.

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I totally agree! I was listening to a Mary Trump YouTube live with a few other people and someone said that Obama knew that Clinton was being attacked by Russia propaganda, but asked a republican if he should say something. Of course the answer was no!! I know there are Dems out there that think people are exaggerating and overreacting. I’m like, did you hear about Presidential immunity?!

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