Karine handled that perfectly!

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Thanks for the proof that they really are the over-educated, under-intelligent, otherwise-unemployable trust fund babies of the DC Press Corpse.

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This is really interesting thank you ! I wondered about these dynamics while watching that incident. There also exists a problematic background where they seem to be being fed somewhat erroneous info from the Right- in a sort of wink wink nudge nudge better take a look at that . Since A lot of these reporters are younger - they seem not to appreciate how LONG the attacks on the Clintons have been going on - how tedious it all is , how there’s no there, there-and yet they’re pushed to keep looking . Ignoring the mountain of stories that would be available to them Re: Trump… and like you say, he wasn’t doing interviews, he shut down the pressers.

The other article someone had a stack about this weekend was the G Sargent piece in the new Republic. He reviews the new Marist poll on what voters find most important in the POTUS - so , voters care about age , but they don’t care about age more than temperament or dishonesty . Which is what you would think … but then the response by the msm is - we’re reporting on age bc voters care about age… BUT not MORE THAN temperament and dishonesty . So, they still are missing their target. And when both candidates are old, why report on age at all? Unless or until there is a concrete event like a stroke

If it’s not likely to happen … we don’t report it. Thoughts on this area- in the case of the age and fitness articles - they are attempting to create history (news) by driving a singularly focussed narrative . As if they got together in a room and decided the best thing for journos & their news orgs would be for Biden to drop ( like like what you are saying - they plwhich, that would be best FoR THEM - they’d have story after story for MONTHS. I think what helped in this round is that most people could remember the emails, Benghazi, her health crisis — and really started saying wait one minute - then they felt the heat.

Oh and the story they ran on July 4th about not voting … oh boy , the heat was really on

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Wow, an excellent article. Thank you!!

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