Interesting that he would distance himself from the man doing the most to split the "left" with his Gaza "special operation".

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Commentary vs analysis…hmm. Well, we cannot put any trust in the polls, I think we all learned that from 2016, Didn’t we?

So the only course we can take, is to vote for the elderly white guy who Didn’t participate in an insurrection.

Joe is not ideal, nor are his policies perfect, but we must rally to him regardless.

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How could Trump legally accomplish these things? I’d like to see a point by point analysis. For example, the National Guard is not under his jurisdiction. Would we expect court challenges? The ACLU says it will be ready. And Congress would have to step up to legislate away rights he thinks he has where it’s unclear in the Constitution.

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He wouldn't legally accomplish these things. That's the point. He would end democracy and install Viktor Orban-style dictatorship. The point by point analysis is in Project 2025. https://www.project2025.org/playbook/ (But I think I have to break down the document.)

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Yes, I'm looking for someone to break it down. Is the key the use of the Executive Order? I think I'm reacting generally to this idea that presidents can do things all alone versus what can only occur if Congress passes laws. And yes, I understand how paralyzed Congress is. This book is much scarier than Trump's bloviating. And naturally it's full of lies, the "have you looked in the mirror lately" kind of projections we've been seeing from Republicans for decades. Someone somewhere is training a large cadre of people to do all these things (Is that what Presidential University is?)

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Autocracies don't train people. They order people. Trump will fire all civil servants who don't sign a loyalty pledge. And replace them with people who do. If some meatpacking mogul doesn't want to have inspectors, then Trump can fire all the inspectors. Or he can simply tell the inspectors to pass the company or lose their jobs. Congress can't do anything ab out that. And even if Trump did something, like hold back money from a foreign country that Congress has budgeted, there's nothing anyone can do to him.

I know it's hard to wrap one's mind around what a country looks like when its democracy dies. There are myriad examples, though. In Turkey and Hungary, for two. This democracy can die. And all of those things you talk about, with Congress passing laws, will be moot. The executive executes the laws. And he simply will do that to his whim.

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Please don't patronize. I also lived through Trump. I'm looking for a cogent legal analysis of why a Constitution that was supposedly designed to prevent us from having a monarchy will fail us. The ACLU is gearing up, so what would be a strategy for resistance? I'm sort of tired of reading the hysteria; all right already, we get it, now what are we going to do in the event he wins? If we think it is a real possibility, can we switch from commentary to analysis?

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I don't think there's much we can do. That's why there's so much "hysteria" as you put it. Once a dictator takes hold, it's very hard to pull it back. So we need people to vote like our democracy depends on it.

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