"As in the rest of the document, Burke’s chapter leans hard into the latter group. Project 2025 is obsessed with gender; obsessed with the idea that women should be less so that men could feel better; obsessed with punishing people who don’t conform to gender stereotypes."

I think the emphasis on gender, specifically transgender, is strategic. In my opinion it's the weakest part of the progressive program, subject to blinding tribalism and most likely to alienate rural folk. The dweebs at Project 2025 are betting that a robust defense of trans will cement the wavering women that hated Roe's reversal but can't stomach trans ideology.

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It’s really cute that you think people’s humanity is a “progressive program, subject to binding tribalism.” Not everything is strategic. Not everything is about winning. Sometimes it’s just about doing what’s right.

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For me, the trans issue is not the hill for the planet to die on. “Doing the right thing,” in this instance demands prioritizing our issues. GOP bad faith shouldn’t determine our reactions. That’s the essence of tribalism. If they’re for it, then I’m agin it.

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That’s my point, David. For me trans isn’t an “issue.” It’s people’s humanity. And if I don’t fight for other people’s humanity, who will fight for mine? Your statement, to me, is akin to “I’m not Black so I don’t care about racism.” But racism - anything that undermines the humanity of a group of people - hurts all of us.

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And for me it is just another issue. We’ll have to agree to disagree on that point. I regard the great schism in this country to be a class divide over values. The GOP has chosen to exploit this issue in order to lessen our chances at peeling away voters from the Trump coalition. Their performative cruelty has done the trick and made it difficult for people to respond to anything but their bad faith. They are counting on you to “do the right thing” and take sides against the people we’ll need to win. They are playing us and our desire to wield the sword of righteousness above all else.

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The huge voucher plan to enact nationwide based off DC’s program would give all students regardless of income >$22K to use as parents’ wish for education. No note of how that would be funded. But did note all school funding reverts to state in 10 years.

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Where are you getting $22k from?

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Page 347 “Congress should expand eligibility to all students, regardless of income or background, and raise the scholarship amount closer to the funding students receive in D.C. Public Schools (spending per student in 2020 was $22856).”

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I downloaded my pdf at the end of last year.

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