Judges should be arbiters of the rule of law not doing favors for major corporations. They also should not be reverting everything back to having courts decide science. I’m sick and tired of having someone whose only work history was law decide my health matters, the kind of sex I can have, whether I should be a union member, whether can sue a polluter who dumped chemicals in my water, or whether I meet the religious requirements for something that is really a human right.

SCOTUS is going gang busters bringing eliminating the laws that have protected, supported us and made us whole again. I suppose they’ll continue to legalize bribes and decide if the President can do any damn thing he wants and no one can stop him.

I’m also offended that these Judges have such a short calendar. This session they haven’t had to use their brains much, so I don’t know why they need a major vacation break. I suppose Thomas has an Alaska fishing trip planned, a few secret meetings with the wealthy money-changers, and he probably needs to help the little wife plan the next big insurrection. You can tell he’s my favorite. History won’t be kind this him.

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Hopefully some intrepid reporters will follow his motor home this summer.

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